节能探索 | 谷歌在数据中心如何实现24x7全时碳中和-1




Moving toward 24x7 Carbon-Free Energy at Google Data Centers: Progress and Insights -1


In recent years, Google has become the world’s largest corporate buyer of renewable energy. In 2017 alone, we purchased more than seven billion kilowatt-hours of electricity (roughly as much as is used yearly by the state of Rhode Island1 ) from solar and wind farms that were built specifically for Google. This enabled us to match 100% of our annual electricity consumption through direct purchases of renewable energy; we are the first company of our size to do so.

实现 100% 的可再生能源采购目标是谷歌一项重要里程碑,伴随着运营规模的增长,我们将继续加大可再生能源的采购。然而,这也仅仅是个开始。它标志着一个实现更大、更长期挑战的开端:实现谷歌全天候无碳化运营。 

Reaching our 100% renewable energy purchasing goal was an important milestone, and we will continue to increase our purchases of renewable energy as our operations grow. However, it is also just the beginning. It represents a head start toward achieving a much greater, longer-term challenge: sourcing carbon-free energy for our operations on a 24x7 basis.


Meeting this challenge requires sourcing enough carbon-free energy to match our electricity consumption in all places, at all times. Such an approach looks markedly different from the status quo, which, despite our large-scale procurement of renewables, still involves carbon-based power. Each Google facility is connected to its regional power grid just like any other electricity consumer; the power mix in each region usually includes some carbon-free resources (e.g. wind, solar, hydro, nuclear), but also carbon-based resources like coal, natural gas, and oil. Accordingly, we rely on those carbon-based resources — particularly when wind speeds or sunlight fade, and also in places where there is limited access to carbon-free energy. Carbonfree or not, around-the-clock electricity is the fuel that enables us to continuously deliver Google search results, YouTube video plays, Google Cloud Platform services, and much more without interruption.


To address our use of carbon-based energy, we buy a surplus of renewable energy in regions or hours when solar and wind power are abundant. For example, we buy larger amounts of wind energy in places like the US Midwest to offset our lack of renewable energy purchases in Asia. And in some places, we buy additional solar energy during the day to compensate for our use of carbon-based energy at night. In this way, we purchase enough renewable energy to match our total annual electricity use. Our purchases directly result in more renewables being added to the grid (i.e. we adhere to high standards of project additionality2 ) and reduce CO2 emissions. On a global and annual basis, our purchases of solar and wind energy zero out the entire carbon footprint of our electricity use. Yet this is an imperfect solution. We want to build a future where each Google facility is always matched — around the clock — with carbon-free power.


Google has multiple compelling reasons to pursue a shift to carbonfree energy sources: we strive to lead on climate change as a business imperative; we are a large electricity consumer that seeks to minimize our environmental footprint; and we are a growing business that prizes the cost-effectiveness and financial certainty of renewable power sources. In parallel to maintaining our annual 100% renewable energy purchasing goal, we recognize that fully decarbonizing the electricity sector requires 24x7 carbon-free energy. Pursuing this long-term objective is important for elevating carbon-free energy from being an important but limited element of the global electricity supply portfolio today, to a resource that fully powers our operations and ultimately the entire electric grid.


为指导谷歌的发展,我们已着手研究在数据中心园区中如何发展全天候无碳电力的方式。在谷歌的总用电量中,数据中心用电占到绝大部分。迄今为止,我们取得的进展主要得益于签署风能和太阳能采购协议(PPA),以实现每年100% 可再生能源的使用目标。谷歌对能源效率的长期承诺也发挥了至关重要的作用:通过最大限度地降低电力需求,我们减少了与消费相匹配所需的无碳能源量。谷歌数据中心的平均能耗约为行业水平的一半,我们还将继续采取创新策略来提升效率。 

To guide Google’s progress, we’ve analyzed how we are tracking toward 24x7 carbon-free electricity at our data center campuses, which account for the vast majority of Google’s total electricity consumption. Our progress to date has primarily resulted from signing wind and solar power purchase agreements (PPAs) in pursuit of our annual 100% renewable energy match goal. Google’s longstanding commitment to energy efficiency has also played a vital role: by minimizing our electricity needs, we have reduced the amount of carbon-free energy required to match our consumption. The average Google data center uses half as much energy as a typical data center, and we continue to employ innovative strategies to improve efficiency.3



To orient us toward achieving 24x7 carbon-free energy, it’s important that we ascertain where we stand today in each region. The analysis herein marks the first time that we have examined this question in depth and is an essential step in working toward a carbon-free energy future.


In this paper, we discuss three aspects of our initial 24x7 carbon-free energy efforts:


A framework for evaluating how well a given data center is matched with regional 24x7 carbon-free energy


Examples of Google’s progress on carbon-free energy at a representative selection of data center campuses


Insights that can guide our journey toward 24x7 carbon-free energy

A Framework for 24x7 Carbon-Free Energy



We define carbon-free energy as any type of electricity generation that does not directly emit carbon dioxide. This includes renewables like solar, wind, geothermal, hydropower, and biomass.4 Nuclear power is also carbon free. In the future, our framework can be extended to other technologies, such as carbon capture and storage, that are yet to be deployed at scale but could enable carbon-free power generation from additional sources.

通过分析细粒度能源数据,我们可以测量给定数据中心的每小时用电量与区域电网每小时无碳供电的一致性。第一个无碳能源组合是谷歌通过长期PPA从一个地区的风能和太阳能项目采购的电力。 第二个无碳能源组合是来自更广泛的区域电网的电力,如核能、水力发电及谷歌尚未直接签约的可再生能源。 

By analyzing granular energy data, we can measure how a given data center’s hourly electricity use coincides with hourly carbon-free electricity supply on the regional grid.5 This carbon-free electricity consists today of two components. The first carbon-free component is electricity that Google buys, through long-term PPAs, from wind and solar projects in a region.6 The second carbon-free component is electricity coming from the broader regional power grid via sources like nuclear, hydropower, and renewables that Google has not directly contracted.


In evaluating how well a data center’s electricity consumption is matched on an hourly basis with carbon-free energy, our framework first considers the renewable energy generation associated with Google’s PPAs in a particular region.7 If regional Google-purchased renewable generation in a given hour is equal to or greater than a data center’s electricity load, then the data center is matched 100% with carbon-free sources for that hour. However, if Google’s regional renewable generation is insufficient in a given hour to match the data center’s load, then the remainder electricity is attributed to the region’s grid mix. Figure 1 shows several possible scenarios for how data center electricity use can line up with regional carbon-free energy supply in a given hour.

无碳能源 (CFE) 框架中的单一小时场景


In any given hour, a data center’s energy profile takes one of the following forms:



In any given hour, a region’s grid mix usually consists of some carbonfree power and some carbon-based power. The grid mix can vary greatly from region to region, and also from hour to hour. For instance, the Nordic countries and the US Pacific Northwest have a highly carbon-free grid mix due to abundant hydropower, while parts of Asia and the US Southeast have a largely carbon-based mix due to fossil power plants. In the same vein, regions with outsized solar capacity often exhibit a more carbon-free grid mix during daytime than nighttime.


The carbon footprint of a data center is minimized when its hourly energy use is fully matched by regional carbon-free generation, either from Google-contracted renewables or the broader grid mix. Figure 2 depicts a fully carbon-free day in January 2017 at our Finland data center, where hourly electricity consumption was 100% matched with Google-contracted wind energy in the region. In most hours of the day, our regional wind PPAs produced approximately double the energy required to match our data center load.





Example from Finland data center on a day in January 2017



However, there is often not enough carbon-free energy available to match 100% of a data center’s hourly electric load in a given hour. There are several possible factors — related to Google or the grid — that can cause an hourly shortfall in carbon-free energy. On the Google side, factors may include a dearth of Google renewable PPAs in the region; insufficient output from our existing renewable PPAs, due to low wind speeds or faint sunlight; or a lack of stored carbonfree energy to fill the gaps. On the grid side, factors may include a regional grid mix not being fully carbon free, or other technical and regulatory constraints that inhibit carbon-free energy supply. In the event of a carbon-free energy shortfall, we attribute a portion of the data center’s hourly electricity consumption to carbon-based power from the regional grid.



As an example, Figure 3 shows a day in August 2017 at our data center in Quilicura, Chile, which experienced several hours of carbonfree energy deficit due to sunlight variability. During sunny hours, a Google-contracted solar farm in the region produced more than enough energy to fully match data center load; during less sunny hours, however, the data center's match with carbon-free energy fell below 100%, relying instead on the grid mix and its carbon-based content. Although excess midday solar production more than “offset” the day's total contribution from carbon-based energy, the data center failed to achieve around-the-clock 100% carbon-free matching.





Example from Chile data center on a day in August 2017



Figures 2 and 3 depict the carbon-free profile of a data center for a given 24-hour period. But the scope of our energy challenge is bigger than any single day: we want to match each data center with carbon-free energy in every hour of the entire year. To capture this more expansive view, we can use a heat map that visualizes each hour of the year — all 8,760 of them — where greener hours represent a higher rate of carbon-free energy matching.


The heat map in Figure 4 depicts an idealized data center that is matched 100% with regional carbon-free energy in every hour of the year. Going from the rectangle’s left to right, January 1st is the left edge and December 31st is the right edge; going from the rectangle's top to bottom, each day begins at midnight and elapses downward until the day is done.



A data center that is 100% matched with carbon-free energy around the clock — 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days per year



By comparison, Figure 5 depicts a real-world data center (which we’ll revisit further below) that fails to reach a 100% match with carbon-free energy in any hour. Its energy profile varies throughout each day, though clearly achieves the highest rates of carbon-free energy matching during midday hours — coinciding with the availability of solar energy.





This data center’s midday electricity use is matched with regional solar energy, making its carbon-free profile highest during those hours


By combining data on hourly electricity consumption and hourly regional electricity supply, the foregoing framework and visualization methods can quantify how well a given data center is matched with carbon-free energy on any time scale.





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