






Recalibrating global data center energy-use  estimates - 1



Growth in energy use has slowed owing to efficiency gains that smart policies can help maintain in the near term




Data centers represent the information backbone of an increasingly digitalized world. Demand for their services has been rising rapidly, and data-intensive technologies such as artificial intelligence, smart and connected energy systems, distributed manufacturing systems, and autonomous vehicles promise to increase demand further. Given that data centers are energy-intensive enterprises, estimated to account for around 1% of worldwide electricity use, these trends have clear implications for global energy demand and must be analyzed rigorously. Several oft-cited yet simplistic analyses claim that the energy used by the world’s data centers has doubled over the past decade and that their energy use will triple or even quadruple within the next decade. Such estimates contribute to a conventional wisdom that as demand for data center services rises rapidly, so too must their global energy use. But such extrapolations based on recent service demand growth indicators overlook strong countervailing energy efficiency trends that have occurred in parallel (see the first figure). Here, we integrate new data from different sources that have emerged recently and suggest more modest growth in global data center energy use (see the second figure). This provides policy-makers and energy analysts a recalibrated understanding of global data center energy use, its drivers, and near-term efficiency potential.





Assessing implications of growing demand for data centers requires robust understanding of the scale and drivers of global data center energy use that has eluded many policy-makers and energy analysts. The reason for this blind spot is a historical lack of “bottom-up” information on data center types and locations, their information technology (IT) equipment, and their energy efficiency trends. This has led to a sporadic and often contradictory literature on global data center energy use.


要了解数据中心能耗的方向,需要考虑服务需求增长因素以及各类设备、能效和市场结构因素(见图1)。自下而上的分析往往能最好地反映这些广泛因素,生成最可信的历史和近期能耗评估。尽管最近进行了一些全国性研究,但最近一次完全可复现的、自下而上的全球数据中心能耗评估值的出现还是在近十年前。这些评估表明,全球数据中心的能耗已经从2005年的153TWh增长到2010年的203 - 273TWh,总计占当年全球用电量的1.1 - 1.5%。

Understanding where data center energy use is heading requires considering service demand growth factors alongside myriad equipment, energy efficiency, and market structure factors (see the first figure). Bottom-up analyses tend to best reflect this broad range of factors, generating the most credible historical and near-term energy-use estimates (7). Despite several recent national studies (8), the latest fully replicable bottom-up estimates of global data center energy use appeared nearly a decade ago. These estimates suggested that the world-wide energy use of data centers had grown from 153 terawatt-hours (TWh) in 2005 to between 203 and 273 TWh by 2010, totaling 1.1 to 1.5% of global electricity use (9).



As demand for data centers rises, energy efficiency improvements to the IT devices and cooling systems they house can keep energy use in check



Since 2010, however, the data center landscape has changed dramatically (see the first figure). By 2018, global data center workloads and compute instances had increased more than sixfold, whereas data center internet protocol (IP) traffic had increased by more than 10-fold (1). Data center storage capacity has also grown rapidly, increasing by an estimated factor of 25 over the same time period (1, 8 ). There has been a tendency among analysts to use such service demand trends to simply extrapolate earlier bottom-up energy values, leading to unreliable predictions of current and future global data center energy use (3–5). They might, for example, scale up previous bottom-up values (e.g., total data center energy use in 2010) on the basis of the growth rate of a service demand indicator (e.g., growth in global IP traffic from 2010 to 2020) to arrive at an estimate of future energy use (e.g., total data center energy use in 2020).



Happy New Year


原文出处:POLICY FORUM【Recalibrating global data center energy-use  estimates】



 1.  Cisco, “Cisco Global Cloud Index: Forecast and methodology, 2016–2021 white paper” (Cisco, document 1513879861264127 , 2018).

 2.  International Energy Agency (IEA), Digitalization & Energy(IEA, 2017).

 3.  L. Belkhir, A. Elmeligi, J. Clean. Prod.177, 448 (2018).

 4.  A.S.G. Andrae, T. Edler, Challenges6, 117 (2015).

 5.  T . Bawdy, “Global warming: Data centres to consume three times as much energy in next decade, experts warn, ” The Independent, 23 January 2016.

 6.  N. Jones, Nature561, 163 (2018). 

 7.  E. Masanet, R. E. Brown, A. Shehabi, J. G. Koomey,

B. Nordman, Proc. IEEE99, 1440 (2011).

 8.  A. Shehabi et al., “United States data center energy usage

report” (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, LBNL-

1005775, 2016).

 9.  J. G. Koomey, “Growth in data center electricity use 2005

to 2010” (Analytics Press for the New Y ork Times, 2011).

 10.  B. Wagner, “Intergenerational energy efficiency of Dell

EMC PowerEdge servers” (Dell, DellEMC white paper,


 11.  A. Shehabi, S. J. Smith, E. Masanet, J. Koomey, Environ. Res.

Lett.13, 124030 (2018).

 12.  IEA, “T racking clean energy progress” (IEA, 2019);


 13.  H. Fuchs et al., Energy Effic.  10.1007/s12053-019-09809-8  (2019).

 14.  M. Avgerinou, P. Bertoldi, L. Castellazzi, Energies10, 1470 (2017).

 15.  E. Masanet, A. Shehabi, J. G. Koomey, Nat. Clim. Chang.3, 627 (2013). 


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