


Underwater Data Centers: Servers Beneath the Surface 

译 者 说







Underwater data centers and servers provide a glimpse into the future of a rapidly evolving industry where submerged oceanic facilities help support and connect underserved communities around the world.



There are major underwater data center and underwater server initiatives ongoing across the globe, with the most notable of these developments being Microsoft’s Project Natick. By putting the “cloud” into the “ocean”, services like compute, storage, and networking can help democratize innovation.


Dgtl Infra公司提供了海底数据中心和海底服务器的深入概述,包括这些新型基础设施存在的理由。此外,我们还回顾了Microsoft的Natick项目,包括一期和二期的发展历程,以及未来可能进行的第三期的细节。最后,Dgtl Infra重点介绍了正在进行的海底数据中心和海底服务器计划,这些计划来自采用不同部署方法的不出名的公司。

Dgtl Infra provides an in-depth overview of underwater data centers and underwater servers, covering the rationale as to why these new forms of infrastructure exist. Additionally, we review Microsoft’s Project Natick, including past developments in Phase 1 and Phase 2, as well as details on a potential Phase 3 in the future. Finally, Dgtl Infra highlights ongoing underwater data center and underwater server initiatives from lesser-known companies who are taking different deployment approaches.



Underwater Data Centers  



Underwater data centers are submerged facilities equipped with power and cooling infrastructure that house computer servers.



  Are there Data Centers Underwater?


自2015年以来,多个数据中心都被部署在太平洋和大西洋的海底。第一个海底数据中心是由微软在加利福尼亚海岸附近的太平洋部署的,通过一个名为“ Natick项目”的试验,一期是一个载有1个机架、24台服务器的容器。

Since 2015, several data centers have been submerged underwater in both the Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean. The first underwater data center was deployed byMicrosoft into the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of California, through an experiment called Project Natick, with Phase 1 being a vessel carrying 1 rack, containing 24 servers.



Following Microsoft’s initial proof-of-concept tests, oceanic data centers have grown in scale, with Phase 2 of Project Natick being a shipping container-sized data center carrying 12 racks, containing 864 servers.



Microsoft’s Project Natick Phase 2 – Underwater Data Center




此外,总部位于中国北京的海兰信数据科技和总部位于洛杉矶的Subsea Cloud公司已经完成海底数据中心的原型和测试。亚马逊网络服务(AWS)、谷歌和Facebook (Meta平台)也有可能在进行自己的海底数据中心研究。

Additionally, underwater data center prototypes and tests have been conducted by China-headquartered Beijing Highlander Digital Technology and Los Angeles, California-based Subsea Cloud. While speculation has also arisen that Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google, and Facebook (Meta Platforms) could be conducting their own underwater data center research.



 Why are Data Centers Underwater?



Data centers are being placed underwater to realize benefits in cooling, latency, time to market, reliability, and sustainability. Below are further details on the five reasons why these oceanic data centers are being submerged underwater:






Core to the value proposition of underwater data centers is cooling. To this end, oceans provide a consistently cold setting which removes heat produced by the facilities that house servers. Moreover, this cooling can be used at effectively no cost.



Heat removal methods are an important consideration in data centers overall as cooling is a significant component of operating costs at the facility-level. Therefore, if underwater data centers can reduce cooling costs, then they are able to hold an operating cost advantage over land-based data centers.



As an example, Microsoft notes that its most recent underwater data center, which was submerged 117 feet (36 meters) below sea level, experienced temperatures about 18-degrees Fahrenheit (10-degrees Celsius) cooler than land-based data centers. As measured using energy efficiency metrics, Microsoft’s underwater data center attained a power usage effectiveness (PUE) of 1.07, whereas the company’s newly-constructed land-based data centers produce a PUE of about 1.125.






Underwater data centers provide a solution for low-latency connectivity, meaning reducing the time it takes for data to travel between its source and destination. In particular, oceanic data centers can deliver low-latency connectivity to coastal populations, which is important, as more than 50% of the world’s population lives within 120 miles (200 kilometers) of the coast.



By placing underwater data centers in close proximity to a large proportion of the world’s population, faster and smoother internet browsing, video streaming, gaming, and cloud services can be brought to underserved communities. As such, underwater data centers could become an important edge computing tool for cloud service providers including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud.



Time to Market


一般来说,海底数据中心采用预制和标准化模块建造,可以实现快速建设和交付。例如,微软的海底数据中心计划的部署周期目标是“从工厂到运营的时间不到 90 天”。

Generally, underwater data centers are built as pre-fabricated and standardized modules, which enables quick construction and delivery times. For example, Microsoft’s underwater data center initiative targets a deployment timeframe of “less than 90 days from factory to operation”.


最终,海底数据中心的目标是比陆基数据中心更快地部署这些设施。在陆地上,数据中心“建设”需要许可并适应各种物理环境。而海底数据中心更多地是 “制造”过程,其目的是大规模生产模块,以便在非常相近的海洋条件下部署。

Ultimately, the goal with underwater data centers is to deploy these facilities faster than land-based data centers. On land, data center “construction” requires permits and adaptation to various physical environments. Whereas underwater data centers involve more of a “manufacturing” process, which aims to produce modules at-scale for deployment in very similar oceanic conditions.



















Underwater data centers possess a high-degree of reliability and more predictable data center performance because these pre-fabricated modules are built with precise specifications in a controlled factory environment. As such, these oceanic data centers can operate with no personnel on-site and without maintenance for up to 5 years.


正如微软海底数据中心项目所强调的那样,每个为期 5年的部署周期结束之后,数据中心容器将被回收,重新装载新服务器,然后重新部署。总体而言,在 20 年的寿命周期内,可以重复此过程完成总共4次部署。此后,海底数据中心将被退役并回收。

As Microsoft’s underwater data center project highlighted, after each 5-year deployment cycle, the data center vessel would be retrieved, reloaded with new servers, and then redeployed. Overall, this process could be repeated for a total of 4 deployments over a 20-year lifespan. Subsequently, the underwater data center would be decommissioned and recycled.



Also, the servers within an underwater data center exhibit greater longevity, a proxy for reliability – which is discussed in further detail in the next section.






Underwater data centers enable operators to meet their sustainability requirements because these facilities can be co-located with offshore renewable energy sources that produce no greenhouse gas emissions. For example, renewable energy sources for underwater data centers include offshore wind, solar, tidal, and wave power. By not connecting to the electrical grid, these oceanic data centers can reduce strain on local power networks.



Additionally, underwater data centers consume no water for cooling or any other operational purpose. As such, these facilities do not strain fresh water resources that are essential to people and the environment.


从水可持续指标来看,海底数据中心的水利用效率(WUE) “完美的”等于零。相比之下,陆基数据中心每千瓦时(KWh)的用水量高达4.8升。

As measured using water sustainability metrics, underwater data centers operate with a “perfect” water usage effectiveness (WUE) of exactly zero. In comparison, land-based data 

centers consume up to 4.8 liters of water per kilowatt-hour (kWh).



Underwater Servers  



Underwater servers are submerged computing devices with data processing and storage components designed to house and operate applications, websites, and content, which ultimately connect to a network.


Are there Underwater Servers?



In total, thousands of servers, housed in underwater data centers, have been submerged into the Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean.


微软的Natick 项目二期 – 海底服务器

Microsoft’s Project Natick Phase 2 – Underwater Servers





Why are Servers Underwater?


Servers are being placed underwater in sealed containers on the ocean floor because it allows for greater server longevity, a proxy for reliability. Underwater server reliability is driven by four primary factors:



Atmosphere: underwater data center containers provide an atmosphere of dry nitrogen, meaning there is no oxygen – this is important as nitrogen is less corrosive than oxygen. In turn, a benign oxygen-free environment allows servers to last much longer.



Humidity: low humidity in an underwater environment helps reduce the risk of corrosion, as a result of excessive condensation, and extends the life expectancy of servers.


Temperature Fluctuations: consistent ocean temperatures reduces the risk of significant increases or decreases in ambient temperatures, as a result of HVAC / cooling system issues or failures. Large temperature fluctuations can cause servers and networking equipment to expand and contract, which contributes to equipment failure.
Absence of People: underwater data centers operate with no personnel on-site, as opposed to land-based data centers which utilize facility management staff and technical engineers. By having no personnel on-site, underwater data centers eliminate bumps and jostles to the facility’s servers from people who replace broken components.


As a reference point, Microsoft states that the servers in its latest underwater data center are 8 times more reliable than those on land. Said differently, Microsoft’s underwater servers showed a failure rate at 1/8th of what the company experiences in land-based server deployments.



Microsoft’s Underwater Data Center – Project Natick



Microsoft’s research experiment to build an underwater data center and place servers in the ocean is called Project Natick. To-date, Microsoft’s Project Natick has successfully completed Phase 1 and Phase 2 testing, while a forthcoming Phase 3 has been speculated.


Project 项目

























10 ft (3 m)

40 ft (12.2 m)

<300 ft (<91.5 m)



117 ft (36 m)

>131 ft (>40 m)


注: Natick项目的第三阶段情况结合了报告和假设。

Note: Phase 3 of Project Natick represents a combination of reports and assumptions.

Below is further detail on each of the phases of Microsoft’s Project Natick:
Phase 1 – Microsoft’s Project Natick 
微软Natick项目的一期是一个海底数据中心概念验证原型,于2015年8月启动。Natick项目的一期被放置在平静的浅海海底,位于距离美国加利福尼亚州圣路易斯奥比斯波附近的阿维拉海滩的太平洋海岸大约0.6英里(1公里)处。这个10英尺(3米) ×7英尺(2.1米),重达38,000磅的海洋数据中心运行了105天,直到2015年11月。

Microsoft’s Project Natick Phase 1 was a proof-of-concept prototype underwater data center that was launched in August 2015. Phase 1 of Project Natick was placed onto the seafloor in calm, shallow waters, located approximately 0.6 miles (1 kilometer) off the Pacific Ocean coast of Avila Beach, which is near San Luis Obispo, California, United States. This 10-foot (3-meter) by 7-foot (2.1-meter) and 38,000-pound oceanic data center was operated for a 105-day period, until November 2015.


Phase 1 of Microsoft’s Project Natick comprised an underwater data center loaded with 1 standard 42U rack, containing 24 servers. The servers occupied ~1/3rd of the space of the rack, with the other ~2/3rds being filled with “load trays” for the purposes of generating heat – to effectively test the underwater data center’s cooling system.
Why did Microsoft put a Data Center Underwater?



Microsoft put a data center underwater to demonstrate its ability to deploy, operate (with no 

personnel on-site), and cool a submerged oceanic facility for an extended period of time.


Phase 2 – Microsoft’s Project Natick  


微软Natick项目二期是一个海底数据中心,部署时间为两年,从2018年 6 月到2020年7月。Natick项目二期被放置在北部群岛的海底,具体位于英国苏格兰奥克尼群岛的欧洲海军陆战队能源中心(EMEC)。

Microsoft’s Project Natick Phase 2 was an underwater data center that was deployed for a period of two years, from June 2018 to July 2020. Phase 2 of Project Natick was placed onto the seafloor in the Northern Isles, and was specifically located at the European Marine 

Energy Centre (EMEC) in the Orkney Islands, Scotland, United Kingdom.



Microsoft’s Project Natick Phase 2 – Location Map




这个集装箱大小的海底数据中心由法国海军防务公司Naval Group制造,其组件和尺寸如下:

This shipping container-sized underwater data center was manufactured by Naval Group, a French naval defense company, with the following components and dimensions:



Pressure Vessel: steel cylinder with dimensions of 40 feet (12.2 meters) in length, 9.2 feet (2.8 meters) in diameter or 10.4 feet (3.2 meters) including external components. As such, the pressure vessel has approximately the same dimensions as an ISO shipping container. This design was deliberate to ensure the underwater data center could be transported utilizing existing logistics supply chains



Subsea Docking Structure: ballast-filled triangular base with dimensions of 47 feet (14.3 meters) in length and 41.7 feet (12.7 meters) in width. This subsea docking structure resided on the seabed and was attached to the pressure vessel



Microsoft’s Project Natick Phase 2 – Underwater Data Center 




微软Natick项目二期位于117英尺(36米)深的岩层海底。该设施包括一个海底数据中心,配备12个机架,其中包含864台具有FPGA加速功能的标准服务器。864 台服务器中的每台都配置有32 TB 磁盘,磁盘总容量相当于27.6 PB。

Phase 2 of Microsoft’s Project Natick was placed 117 feet (36 meters) deep to the rock slab seafloor. The facility comprised an underwater data center loaded with 12 racks, containing 864 standard servers with FPGA acceleration. Each of the 864 servers had 32 terabytes of disk, equating to 27.6 petabytes of total disk.


在耗电方面,微软的Natick项目二期在满负荷运行时功率为240 KW,这意味着略低于1/4MW的功率。这种电力100%来自当地生产的可再生电力,包括陆上风能和太阳能,以及离岸潮汐和波浪能。

In terms of electrical power consumption, Phase 2 of Microsoft’s Project Natick required 240 kilowatts (kW), meaning just under a quarter of a megawatt of power, when operating at full capacity. This power was sourced from 100% locally-produced renewable electricity, including on-shore wind and solar, as well as off-shore tidal and wave energy.





Regarding cooling, Phase 2 of Microsoft’s Project Natick uses an air-to-liquid heat exchange process. This system pipes seawater directly through radiators on the back of each of the underwater data center’s 12 server racks and back out into the ocean.



Finally, the internal operating environment of Phase 2 of Project Natick was 100% dry nitrogen at 1 atmosphere of pressure.



  Why are Microsoft’s Data Centers Underwater?



Microsoft’s Project Natick Phase 2 sought to determine whether it was economically feasible to manufacture full-scale underwater data center modules and deploy them in under 90 days.



In addition, for a period of two years, Microsoft was able to test and monitor the performance and reliability of the underwater data center’s servers. For example, Microsoft monitored metrics including power consumption, temperature, internal humidity levels, fan speed, sound, and speed of the current.



Phase 3 – Microsoft’s Project Natick



Microsoft’s future Project Natick Phase 3 has been described as a “pilot”. Specifically, Microsoft would build an underwater data center at a “larger scale” for Phase 3 of Project Natick, which “might be multiple vessels” and “might be a different deployment technology” than Phase 2.



In any commercial deployment, Phase 3 of Microsoft’s Project Natick would be placed at a depth greater than 117 feet (36 meters) – which was the depth at which Phase 2 was deployed.



To-date, speculation has arisen that for Phase 3, a long steel frame, spanning less than 300 feet (91.5 meters), could hold 12 underwater data center cylinders, similar in size to the cylinders used in Phase 2.



Illustrative Depiction of Microsoft’s Project Natick Phase 3






假设每个海底数据中心罐体装载12个机架,那么三期钢架总共可承载144个机架。此外,假设二期的比率为每个机架72 服务器,意味着 Natick 项目的三期总共将能够支持10,368 台服务器。

Assuming each underwater data center cylinder was loaded with 12 racks, then the Phase 3 steel frame could carry a total of 144 racks. Additionally, assuming Phase 2’s ratio of 72 servers per rack, means Phase 3 of Project Natick would be able to support a total of 10,368 servers.


Additional Companies with Underwater Data Centers


总部位于中国的北京海兰信数据科技有限公司和总部位于美国的 Subsea Cloud已对海底数据中心和服务器进行了测试。同时也有人猜测亚马逊网络服务 (AWS)、谷歌和Facebook(元宇宙平台)可能正在对海底数据中心和服务器开展自己的研究。

Underwater data centers and servers have been tested by China-headquartered Beijing Highlander Digital Technology and U.S.-based Subsea Cloud. While speculation has also arisen that Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google, and Facebook (Meta Platforms) could be conducting their own research on underwater data centers and servers.



Beijing Highlander Digital Technology 



In early 2021, Beijing Highlander Digital Technology launched a prototype underwater data center carrying four racks in the city of Zhuhai, which resides in China’s southern Guangdong province.



Subsequently, in mid-2021, Beijing Highlander Digital Technology announced plans to build 100 underwater data center modules, by 2025, at a cost of RMB5.6 billion ($880 million). These underwater data center modules will be deployed in the city of Sanya, which resides on the southern portion of China’s Hainan Island.



Beijing Highlander Digital Technology – Underwater Data Centers in Sanya





For Beijing Highlander’s latest project, the company is partnering with Offshore Oil Engineering Co (COOEC), an engineering contractor, and Beijing Sinnet Technology Co, a carrier-neutral data center operator in China, which operates Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud products and services in the Beijing region of China.


Subsea Cloud


Subsea Cloud是一家总部位于加利福尼亚州洛杉矶的初创公司,专注于部署海底数据中心和服务器。目前,Subsea Cloud计划推出以下三个海底数据中心:

Subsea Cloud is a Los Angeles, California-based start-up focused on deploying underwater data centers and servers. Presently, Subsea Cloud plans to launch the following three underwater data centers:


1.Jules Verne(儒勒·凡尔纳):华盛顿州安吉利斯港附近部署的海底数据中心,其大小和尺寸与20英尺(6米)集装箱相似。该海底数据中心将装载16个机架,包含约 800台服务器,并放置在水深30 尺(9.1米)的浅海中。

Jules Verne: underwater data center deployment near Port Angeles, Washington, with similar size and dimensions to a 20-foot (6-meter) shipping container. This underwater data center will be loaded with 16 racks, containing about 800 servers and placed in shallow waters, at a depth of 30 feet (9.1 meters)



Njord01: underwater data center deployment in the Gulf of Mexico, which will be placed at a depth of 700 to 900 feet (213 to 274 meters)



Manannán: underwater data center deployment in the North Sea (Europe), which will be placed at a depth of 600 to 700 feet (183 to 213 meters)



最初,Subsea Cloud计划在2022年底之前将Jules Verne海底数据中心投入商用。

Initially, Subsea Cloud expects to make the Jules Verne underwater data center commercially available before the end of 2022.

September 6, 202

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