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Equinix has confirmed that a scheduled system upgrade at one of its data centers in Singapore affected the operations of several customers, including two banks. It led to hours-long disruptions that left ATM and online banking services unavailable over the weekend. 




DBS Bank customers, who already had experienced multiple service disruptions in recent months, were unable to access various services on Saturday, including mobile banking and peer-to-peer funds transfer service, PayLah. The bank's ATMs also were down. In subsequent updates on its Facebook profile, DBS said the disruption was caused by an issue with its data center service provider, Equinix.




"We are doing our utmost to swing over to our backup data center and expect to progressively restore services," the bank said. By late night on Saturday, it posted an update to notify customers its ATMs had resumed operations, but some services such as its online services remained unavailable. In an update Sunday morning, DBS said all its services were back up and running. The bank in 2017 partnered with Equinix to move its main data center to smaller "cloud-optimized" premises, enabling DBS' to run the facility at 75% cheaper. 



ZDNET联系了Equinix,询问了有关服务中断的问题,包括其故障转移措施和辅助站点都无法阻止该事件的原因,以及有多少组织受到影响。Equinix发言人在一封电子邮件回复中说:“10月14日,在我们新加坡的一个数据中心计划进行系统升级期间,冷冻水系统出现了技术问题。这升高了数据中心某些机房的温度,并影响了一些客户的运营。技术问题已解决,我们正在与受影响的客户联系。” 该发言人表示,该供应商目前正在“彻底调查”这一事件,并将在合适的时机提供更多细节。

Contacted Equinix with questions regarding the service disruption, including why its failover measures and secondary site were unable to prevent the incident, and how many organizations were impacted. In an email response, an Equinix spokesperson said: "On Oct. 14, a technical issue with the chilled water system occurred during a planned system upgrade at one of our data centers in Singapore. This raised the temperatures in some of the halls in the data center and impacted some customer's operations. The technical issue has been resolved and we are in contact with impacted customers."The spokesperson said the vendor currently is "thoroughly investigating" the incident and will offer more details when these are available. 





Center of Concern


该事件还凸显了一个令人不安的事实:新加坡的关键金融系统和互联网服务提供商 (ISP) 托管在Equinix数据中心。披露这一通常因安全问题而受到保密的事实,凸显了新加坡金融基础设施的脆弱性。正如一位评论者恰当地总结的那样——“空调坏了啊”。这表明新加坡热带气候给数据中心运营带来的潜在风险。

The incident has also spotlighted an uncomfortable truth: Singapore’s critical financial systems and internet service providers (ISPs) are hosted in Equinix data centers. This revelation, usually guarded due to security implications, highlights the vulnerability of Singapore’s financial infrastructure. As one commenter aptly summarized, ‘air con spoil ah,’ indicating the potential risks of Singapore’s tropical climate on data center operations.


















But beyond the concern of climate, the outage illuminates the risk of overreliance on a single data center or provider. Had the affected banks implemented redundancy and business continuity planning across multiple data centers, the disruption could have been significantly mitigated.





Regulatory Ripple Effects


有趣的是,新加坡金融管理局 (MAS) 针对银行数据中心冷却系统的冗余制定了具体准则。MAS 技术风险管理指南要求金融机构确保电源、网络连接和冷却系统有足够的冗余,以消除任何单点故障。星展银行和花旗银行似乎在遵守这些准则方面遇到了问题,考虑到其服务的关键性质,这是一个令人担忧的监督。

Interestingly, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has specific guidelines for banks regarding the redundancy of cooling systems in their data centers. The MAS Technology Risk Management Guidelines mandate financial institutions to ensure adequate redundancy for power, network connectivity, and cooling systems to eliminate any single point of failure. It seems that DBS and Citibank may have stumbled in adhering to these guidelines, a concerning oversight considering the critical nature of their services.



It’s important to recall that this is not the first time Singapore has been hit by a significant outage due to a data center issue. Earlier this year, Microsoft Azure experienced a power surge in the Southeast Asia region, causing a subset of cooling units to go offline and disrupting various organizations in Singapore.


图为位于新加坡的Equinix SG1数据中心



Business in the Balance



The outage had tangible impacts on businesses in Singapore, with some reporting up to 10% loss in sales revenue due to disrupted online banking and payment services. This underscores the reliance of businesses on digital banking platforms, and the potential financial consequences of such outages.



In conclusion, the weekend’s outage served as a stark reminder of the critical role that data centers play in supporting financial services and the potential consequences of their failure. It has raised key questions about the resilience and redundancy of data centers, especially in tropical climates like Singapore. Above all, it has highlighted the importance of not putting all our digital eggs in one basket – a lesson in risk management for the digital age.


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