


Alibaba Cloud’s Data Center Locations: Regions and Availability Zones


译 者 说

阿里云在全球运营的 89 个数据中心支持着阿里巴巴在30个云地域提供高可用性、强容错能力以及最低可能性的并发故障,使其成为全球第三大、亚太区域最大的IaaS提供商,以及中国收入最高的公共云服务(包括PaaS和IaaS)服务提供商。




Alibaba Cloud, which is the cloud computing arm of the Alibaba Group, offers compute, storage, network, and database services via its data centers located in 15 countries, spanning 30 locations globally. The expansion of Alibaba Cloud regions, coupled with the growth of the company’s primary products and platforms – such as Alibaba.com, AliExpress, Taobao, Tmall, Lazada, and Youku – necessitates increased data center capacity.


阿里云在全球总共运营着 89 个数据中心。这些数据中心支持阿里巴巴的30个云区域,这些云可用区是数据中心集群的物理位置。这些可用区提供高可用性、强容错能力以及最低可能性的并发故障。

In total, Alibaba Cloud operates 89 data centers worldwide. These data centers support Alibaba’s 30 cloud regions, which are physical locations where data centers are clustered. These regions offer high availability, robust fault tolerance, and a minimal chance of concurrent failure.




Alibaba Cloud serves more than four million global customers. This includes 80% of China’s science and technology innovation enterprises, 60% of China’s national-level specialized “little giant” enterprises, and 55% of companies listed on the Chinese stock exchanges. The company’s Cloud Intelligence Group, which encompasses Alibaba Cloud, reported revenue of $3.5 billion (RMB25,123 million) for the latest quarter, representing a 4% increase year-over-year. Thus, on an annualized basis, Alibaba Cloud’s revenue currently stands at nearly $14 billion.


Dgtl Infra分析了阿里云的地域、可用区和数据中心,这些都是支撑其快速扩展的云计算业务的基础,主要关注公司当前的基础设施站点和未来的构建位置。

Dgtl Infra examines Alibaba Cloud’s regions, availability zones, and data centers that underpin its fast-expanding cloud computing operations, concentrating on the company’s current infrastructure sites and prospective build locations.


How Many Data Centers Does Alibaba Cloud Have?



Alibaba Cloud operates in 30 regions across the world, encompassing 89 zones. These regions are typically named after the cities where their data centers are located. For example, the data centers for the Japan (Tokyo) region are located in Tokyo.


阿里云的地域由1到12个物理分隔的数据中心组成,每个数据中心都有自己独特的电力、冷却和网络基础设施。这些数据中心被阿里云称为区域(Zones),而其他云服务提供商通常称之为可用区,两者意思基本等同(Availability Zones)。为了说明这一点,下图中地域1包含三个可用区(可用区A,可用区B,可用区C),地域2也包含三个可用区:

Alibaba Cloud regions consist of anywhere from 1 to 12 physically distinct data centers, each with its own unique infrastructure for power, cooling, and networking. These data centers are referred to as zones by Alibaba Cloud, whereas other cloud service providers typically call them availability zones. To illustrate, consider a figure where Region 1 contains three zones (Zone A, Zone B, Zone C), and Region 2 also comprises three zones:




Within a single region, these zones are linked by a high-bandwidth, low-latency network. As a result, there’s minimal delay (latency) between them. This ensures faster communication for services within the same zone, leading to more efficient business operations.



Alibaba Cloud operates highly efficient data centers worldwide, notable for their excellent power utilization rates. Their strategic global regions provide availability and reliability. Advanced technologies like innovative cooling methods, distributed architecture, sophisticated power distribution systems, and smart monitoring mechanisms improve performance, scalability, and redundancy.


Where Are Alibaba Cloud’s Data Centers Located?



Alibaba Cloud’s regions and zones (also known as availability zones) are physical locations where the company clusters data centers around the world. Below is a summary of Alibaba Cloud’s 30 regions and 89 availability zones throughout China, the United States, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Middle East.








The cloud computing industry in China remains in the early stages of development. Last year, the revenue from China’s public cloud services market – which encompasses IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS – constituted a mere 0.2% of the country’s GDP. This figure is significantly lower compared to that of the U.S.



United States



In the United States, Alibaba Cloud operates 2 regions and 4 availability zones. Particularly, Alibaba operates facilities in the following markets: Washington, D.C. and San Francisco, California.







Within these markets, Alibaba Cloud operates data centers in the following regions: US (Virginia), known as us-east-1, and US (Silicon Valley), known as us-west-1.







In Europe, Alibaba Cloud operates 2 regions and 5 availability zones. Presently, Alibaba Cloud is available in the following markets: Frankfurt, Germany and London, United Kingdom.







Within these markets, Alibaba Cloud operates data centers in the following regions: Germany (Frankfurt), known as eu-central-1, and UK (London), known as eu-west-1.




Asia Pacific



In Asia Pacific, Alibaba Cloud operates 9 regions and 18 availability zones. Specifically, Alibaba Cloud is available in the following markets: Sydney, Australia; Mumbai, India; Jakarta, Indonesia; Tokyo, Japan; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Manila, Philippines; Singapore; Seoul, South Korea; and Bangkok, Thailand.







Within these locations, Alibaba Cloud operates data centers in the following regions: Australia (Sydney), known as ap-southeast-2; India (Mumbai), known as ap-south-1; Indonesia (Jakarta), known as ap-southeast-5; Japan (Tokyo), known as ap-northeast-1; Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur), known as ap-southeast-3; Philippines (Manila), known as ap-southeast-6; Singapore (Singapore), known as ap-southeast-1; South Korea (Seoul), known as ap-northeast-2; and Thailand (Bangkok), known as ap-southeast-7.




As the leading IaaS provider in the Asia Pacific region, Alibaba Cloud is continually expanding its international cloud infrastructure and enhancing its local cloud service capabilities, particularly in Southeast Asia.



Middle East



In the Middle East, Alibaba Cloud operates 2 regions and 3 availability zones. Particularly, Alibaba Cloud is available in the following markets: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and Dubai, United Arab Emirates.







Within these markets, Alibaba Cloud operates data centers in the following regions: SAU (Riyadh – Partner Region), known as me-central-1, and UAE (Dubai), known as me-east-1.



Alibaba – Asia Pacific’s Leading Cloud Services Giant



Alibaba Group is the world’s third-largest Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) provider and the largest in the Asia Pacific region by revenue in U.S. dollars, according to Gartner. A key player in digital transformation across diverse industries, Alibaba Group’s cloud services division, Alibaba Cloud, was initially created to manage the massive scale and complexity of the company’s internal operations within China, including commerce, payments, and logistics.


Alibaba Group – Business Segments, including Cloud




Alibaba Cloud is a key player in the technological revolution that involves replacing traditional IT infrastructure with cloud services, offering significantly higher efficiency at a lower cost. This comprehensive suite includes the company’s own proprietary servers, computing, storage, network, security, database, big data, container technology, machine learning, and tools for model training and inference. These services are vital to the Alibaba ecosystem and also serve a wide range of customers globally.


Cloud Service Models – IaaS, PaaS, and MaaS



Beyond the conventional Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Alibaba Cloud’s offerings extend to platform-as-a-service (PaaS) and model-as-a-service (MaaS), all part of its full-stack cloud capabilities and products portfolio. These cloud service models enable customers to build IT infrastructure that is high-performance, flexible, scalable, cost-effective, and secure. Additionally, it provides customers with sophisticated data management tools, essential for efficiently handling complex analytics and machine learning tasks.



Recognized as China’s largest provider of public cloud services by revenue, including PaaS and IaaS services according to IDC, Alibaba Cloud delivers industry-specific solutions across several verticals, such as finance, public sector, and manufacturing.



Customers of Alibaba Cloud




Cloud Operating System



Alibaba’s Cloud Operating System offers scalable computing resources and services via the internet. It abstracts underlying infrastructure complexities, allowing users to access applications and data from any device, anywhere. The system is composed of:


  • 飞天:这是阿里云专有的通用分布式计算操作系统

  • Apsara: This is Alibaba Cloud’s proprietary, general-purpose distributed computing operating system


  • 神龙计算:这是阿里云的硬件虚拟化架构,在最大化计算效率方面发挥着至关重要的作用

  • ShenlongCompute: This is Alibaba Cloud’s hardware virtualization architecture, which plays a crucial role in maximizing computing efficiency


  • 盘古:盘古作为阿里云的分布式云存储系统,提供可靠、可扩展、高效的数据存储解决方案

  • Pangu: Serving as Alibaba Cloud’s distributed cloud storage system, Pangu ensures reliable, scalable, and efficient data storage solutions


Cloud Revenue Streams




Alibaba Cloud’s revenue is primarily derived from offering public and hybrid cloud services to enterprise customers both domestically and internationally.




These services are detailed as follows:



Public Cloud Services: Revenue is generated through various offerings that include elastic computing, storage, networking, database, big data, security solutions, and the use of proprietary servers. Enterprise customers are billed for these services either based on their usage (pay-as-you-go) or via a subscription model, such as for the on-demand delivery of computing and storage resources



Hybrid Cloud Services: Revenue is produced by providing comprehensive cloud service packages that are tailored to the specific needs of enterprise customers. These packages include hardware provisioning, software licensing, software installation services, as well as application development and ongoing maintenance. This approach allows for a more customized cloud solution that integrates with the customer’s existing on-premises infrastructure


Machine Learning and Large Language Models (LLMs)



Alibaba Cloud offers enterprises a machine learning platform designed for the large-scale training and inference of models. This platform accommodates both Alibaba’s proprietary foundation model, as well as facilitating the training and implementation of other large-scale and domain-specific models prevalent in the market.



In 2023, Alibaba Cloud introduced its newest Large Language Model (LLM), Tongyi Qianwen. This LLM is slated for integration into every facet of Alibaba’s business applications, with the aim of significantly enriching the user experience across their entire ecosystem.



Recognizing the transformative power of generative AI, Alibaba Cloud is democratizing this innovation by providing enterprise customers with access to Tongyi Qianwen via the cloud. Furthermore, customers will have the capability to develop bespoke LLMs tailored specifically to their unique business contexts.


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首页    管理    走向一带一路:阿里云的海外布局
阿里云在全球总共运营着 89 个数据中心。这些数据中心支持阿里巴巴的30个云区域
