


Data center rack density: How high can it go?


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Artificial intelligence (AI) and high-performance computing (HPC) have pushed requirements to the limit for compute, storage capacity and networking resources. More powerful chips have been a primary factor in driving rack densities higher and higher. A decade ago, the average processor consumed less than 100 watts of power. Today, they consume around 500 watts.


在更小的空间中可用的功能越多,应用程序开发人员就会想出更多的方法来利用它——然后他们就需要更多的算力。Hyperion Research的首席执行官Earl Joseph表示,高性能计算的增长很大程度上是由于更高要求的应用的出现。

The more power that becomes available in a smaller space, the more application developers come up with ways to harness it – and then they demand even more compute power. Earl Joseph, CEO of Hyperion Research, said HPC growth is largely surging due to the advent of more demanding applications.


Earl Joseph说:”人工智能、机器学习和深度学习正在以每年近30%的速度增长。”

“AI, machine learning and deep learning are growing at close to 30% a year,” Joseph said.



Let’s look at how density has evolved and how high it might go.



Insatiable demand


规划、订购和交付的数据中心数量创历史新高。据Uptime Institute的数据显示,到2025年,数据中心的单位面积功耗预计将增加50%,2019年至2025年期间全球产生的数据将增长500%。数据中心正在以前所未有的数量和远高于以往的机架密度建设。为满足这样的需求,数据中心需要在每个机架或每平方英尺安装更多的芯片。

Data centers are being planned, ordered and commissioned in record numbers. This is shown in statistics such as a 50% increase being forecast for the power footprint of data centers by 2025, as well as 500% growth in global data generated between 2019 and 2025, according to the Uptime Institute. Data centers are being built in unprecedented numbers and at far higher compute densities than ever before. Data centers need to pack more punch per rack or per square foot to keep up with demand.


Uptime Institute十多年前的数据显示,每个机架的平均功率密度在4-5kW。到2020年,每个机架的功率达到了8-10kW。但是请注意,有三分之二的美国数据中心调查表示,他们曾经收到过的峰值功率密度需求达16 - 20kW。2022年的最新需求,10%的数据中心的机架密度为20-29kW,7%的数据中心的机架密度为30-39kW,3%的数据中心的机架密度为40-49kW,5%的数据中心的机架密度为50kW或以上。显然,现代应用程序和数据量正在将机架密度推向前所未有的高度。

Uptime Institute numbers from just over a decade ago put the average power densities per rack in the 4–5 kW range. By 2020, that was up to 8–10 kW per rack. Note, though, that two-thirds of U.S. data centers surveyed said that they were already experiencing peak demands in the 16–20 kW per rack range. The latest numbers from 2022 show 10% of data centers reporting rack densities of 20–29 kW per rack, 7% at 30–39 kW per rack, 3% at 40–49 kW per rack and 5% at 50 kW or greater. Clearly, modern applications and data volumes are pushing rack density to unprecedented heights.


Hyperscaler overdrive



Hyperscale data centers from the likes of Amazon, Facebook, Google and Microsoft have been among the leaders in density growth over the past decade. They have pioneered ways to better cool and power data centers while providing as much compute power as possible in a tiny footprint. Some have evolved racks of 50 kW and even higher.



What you tend to find, however, is that the hyperscalers are now leaving the highest densities to others. They took the industry up to new levels of density but now prefer to flatten out at densities around the 30 kW range and slightly below. As they operate at massive scale and high efficiency, they can satisfy most user demands. What the hyperscalers want is optimization. They want a high (but not too high) rack density that is scalable and available at an attractive price point.


Specialist high-density data centers



For the HPC and AI markets, what is emerging are specialist providers that cater to the highest densities. These companies are gaining business from unexpected sources.


Oper8 Global首席执行官Mike Andrea表示:“虽然高性能计算曾经是企业和研究机构的专利,市场高达10亿美元,但现在小型企业正在利用它来获得竞争优势。”

“While HPC used to be the province of businesses and research entities with a billion-dollar turnover, much smaller businesses are now using it for competitive advantage,” said Mike Andrea, CEO of Oper8 Global.



He noted the democratization of HPC applications from large, well-funded organizations down into smaller-scale research and development outfits, as well as into fields such as aerospace, seismic engineering, 3D modeling, autonomous vehicle simulation, various AI use cases, energy, oil and gas production, weather forecasting, analytics, healthcare, and 3D film rendering. The list of those making heavy usage of HPC continues to grow.


Mike Andrea表示:“时延仍然是高性能计算的主要驱动因素,此外,数据中心还能够支持超过100 kW /机架的机架密度。”Andrea的公司(Oper8)正在与多个客户合作,这些客户对机架密度的要求从80 kW到200 kW不等。

“Latency remains a primary driver in HPC, along with the ability of data centers to support rack densities in excess of 100 kW per rack,” said Andrea, whose company is working with several customers that are demanding anywhere from 80 kW to 200 kW per rack.



To compete in that market, highly dense data centers must be situated near to their customers to eliminate latency. Thus, these HPC specialists are likely to be found only in certain regions where there are clusters of customers making outrageous density demands.


Start small with HPC racks



Another trend is for data centers to cater to a small subset of the growing HPC market by deploying only a rack or two of high-density gear. Some edge and colocation data centers are beginning to implement one extreme-density HPC pod of two to 12 racks, or a cluster of several HPC racks alongside racks of more modest densities. Such a strategy helps data centers satisfy the requirements of one or two clients and build up their HPC arsenal without having to massively invest in a complete redesign of the entire data center.



That said, there is plenty of work involved in bringing in even a rack or two. As well as new servers and supporting gear, cabling and other improvements will be needed. It also presumes that sufficient additional power is on hand and that HPC racks can be served by enough cooling. Hence, high-density data centers will probably need to invest in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) technology to enhance air and cooling flows to avoid hot spots.



Further, they require advanced cooling technologies and perhaps even liquid cooling of some kind to keep temperatures down in their new racks. Very hot racks can lead to failures in power distribution units (PDUs) due to the presence of so much rear-rack hot air. This is especially the case with racks more than 35 kW.


Dell Technologies的高性能计算和新业务工程高级总监Onur Celebioglu表示:“在空间有限的情况下,高功耗元件必须使用液冷。

“Where high-power consumption elements are packed into limited space, liquid cooling may become a necessity,” said Onur Celebioglu, senior director of engineering, HPC, and emerging workloads at Dell Technologies.



Water-based cooling options such as actively cooled rack doors, direct liquid cooling with cold plates, and immersion cooling are becoming commonplace in HPC racks. But be warned. Liquid-cooled HPC applications may necessitate wider and deeper cabinets to accommodate extra power feeds and fluid manifolds. The cost, coupled with the need for serious reconfiguration of an existing data center, may cause some to avoid the HPC market.


How high can they go?



Not so long ago, highly dense racks were thought be 10 kW or more. That looks positively miniscule in light of modern density numbers. No one knows how high density can go. But get ready for some outrageous figures in the coming years.


Mike Andrea表示:“如今,高密机架的功率约为40到125 kW,而极密机架的功率高达200 kW,甚至更高。”

“Today, high-density racks are roughly 40 kW to 125 kW and extreme-density racks are up to 200 kW and even beyond,” said Andrea.


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首页    电气    数据中心机架密度:峰高何处?
不久前,高密度机架被认为是 10 kW 或更高。考虑到现代密度数字,这看起来确实微不足道。没有人知道密度可以达到多高。但请为未来几年出现的一些令人震惊的数字做好准备。
