


'C' Revision of TIA-942 Data Center Standard Specifies for Fiber Connectivity, Cabinet Widths



译 者 说

2024年2月,BICSI和TIA的数据中心标准都出现了重大更新。BICSI数据中心设计工作组批准出版了ANSI/BICSI-002-2024《数据中心设计和实施最佳实践》;而TIA TR_42.1小组委员会批准出版了ANSI/TIA-942-C电信数据中心基础设施标准。这两个标准相互补充而不是相互竞争。BICSI-002 标准是一项综合性数据中心设计最佳实践标准,假设设计人员使用本地标准(例如 ANSI/TIA-942、CENELEC EN 50173或ISO/IEC 11801-5)来提供数据中心设计的基本要求电信基础设施。而BICSI-002 更详细地介绍了数据中心其他方面的设计,包括建筑、电气、机械等。同时,ANSI/BICSI-009《数据中心运行和维护最佳实践》可以作为ANSI/BICSI-002的补充。




新授权的TIA-942-C标准将包括对 TIA-942-B 版本的多项重大修改,包括纳入之前发布的标准文档、认可新媒体类型和连接性、新要求、新建议等。
The newly authorized TIA-942-C standard will include several significant modifications from the TIA-942-B version—including the incorporation of previously published standards documents, recognition of a new media type and connectivity, new requirements, new recommendations, and more.



At its most recent meeting, held the week of February 5, the Telecommunications Industry Association’s Engineering Committee TR-42.1 Premises Telecommunications Infrastructure authorized the publication of the “C” revision of



作为标准开发组织 (SDO),TIA 根据美国国家标准协会 (ANSI) 程序制定标准;这些程序要求每五年修订、确认或废除一项标准。
As a standards development organization (SDO), the TIA produces standards in accordance with American National Standards Institute (ANSI) procedures; those procedures require a standard to be revised, affirmed, or rescinded every 5 years.


修订过程可能需要多年时间才能完成,根据TIA标准,修订版本会用字母区分(即“A”表示第一次修订,“B”表示第二次修订,等等)。这份现已批准且即将发布的文件是自第一版942 标准发布以来的第三次修订。
The revision process can take multiple years to complete, and with TIA standards, revisions are given letter designations (i.e. “A” for the first revision, “B” for the second revision, etc.). This now-approved and soon-to-be-published document is the third revision since the original 942 standard was published.


ANSI /TIA-942 标准涵盖电信基础设施、电力基础设施、机械基础设施、架构、消防、安全和数据中心监控。TIA-942 涵盖所有类型的数据中心,包括超大规模、托管、企业等。
The ANSI/TIA-942 standard covers the telecommunications infrastructure, the power infrastructure, the mechanical infrastructure, the architecture, the fire protection, security, and the monitoring of data centers. TIA-942 covers all types of data centers including hyperscale, colocation, enterprise, etc.


TIA-942-C标准将包括对 TIA-942-B版本的多项重大修改,包括纳入先前发布的标准文档、对介质类型和连接性的认可、新要求、新建议以及引用由其他SDO发布的技术文档。


The TIA-942-C standard will include several significant modifications from the TIA-942-B version—including the incorporation of previously published standards documents, recognition of a new media type and connectivity, new requirements, new recommendations, and references to technical documentation published by other SDOs.


此外,与大多数 TIA 标准一样,942-C 将包含几个附录,为标准正文中的内容提供附加信息。TIA 标准的附件通常会包含表格。附件可以是信息性的或规范性的。

Also, like most TIA standards, 942-C will include several annexes, which provide additional information to what is in the body of the standard. Often an annex to a TIA standard will include tables. An annex may be informative or normative.


Generally speaking, an informative annex is descriptive, providing useful information or describing concepts addressed in the standard. A normative annex, on the other hand, can be considered prescriptive rather than descriptive.



规范性附件包含详细说明如何遵守某些要求的信息。TIA 标准的规范性附件可被视为一项要求,而不是一项选项。

A normative annex contains information that details how to comply with certain requirements. A normative annex to a TIA standard can be considered a requirement as opposed to an option.


以下是 ANSI/TIA-942-C 中的主要修改。

Following are the major modifications that will be found in ANSI/TIA-942-C.


Incorporation of previously published documents


  • TIA-942-C 将纳入ANSI/TIA-942-B-1中包含的材料 ,这是942-B的第一个附录,重点关注边缘数据中心。

  • TIA-942-C will incorporate the material contained      within ANSI/TIA-942-B-1, the first addendum to 942-B, which focuses      on edge data      centers.



Recognition of new media and connectivity


  • 单对平衡双绞线电缆将成为水平布线公认的电缆类型。

  • Single balanced twisted-pair cable will be a recognized cable type for horizontal cabling.

  • 在设备插座      (EO) 外部的连接处,允许使用符合TIA-568.3标准的任何光纤连接器。在EO处,仍然需要LC和MPO连接器。

  • At connections outside the equipment outlet (EO),      any optical connector compliant with the TIA-568.3 standard is permitted.      At the EO, LC and MPO connectors are still required.




  • 如果无线接入点使用平衡双绞线布线,则至少需要2条6A类或更高性能的布线。

  • Where balanced twisted-pair cabling is used for wireless access points, two (2) Category 6A or higher-performing cabling runs are required at a minimum.

  • 在主配线区(MDA)、中间配线区(IDA)和水平配线区(HDA)中,机柜的宽度不小于800mm。

  • In the main distribution area (MDA), intermediate distribution area (IDA), and horizontal distribution area (HDA), cabinets must have a minimum width of 800mm.

  • 小于20平方米(220 平方英尺)的计算机房的最小地板承载能力为5      千帕      (kPA),或100磅力/平方英尺。

  • The minimum floor loading capacity for computer      rooms less than 20 m2 (220 ft2) is 5 kilopascal (kPA), or 100      lbf/ft2.




  • TIA-942-C 建议水平布线和主干布线至少使用2根光纤。

  • TIA-942-C will recommend a minimum of two (2) optical      fibers for horizontal and backbone cabling.


References to other technical documents including recommendations and requirements


  • 温度和湿度指南已更新,要求符合ASHRAE TC      9.9 数据处理环境热指南第5版中定义的建议温度和湿度范围,包括添加了新的高密度H1级。

  • Temperature and humidity guidelines have been updated to require the recommended temperature and humidity envelope defined in ASHRAE TC 9.9 Thermal Guidelines for Data Processing Environment, 5th Edition, including the addition of new High Density H1 Class.

  • TIA-942-C将包括ASHRAE      TC 9.9 边缘计算技术公告中的散热指南。此信息将包含在有关微边缘数据中心的附件中。

  • TIA-942-C will include thermal guidelines from ASHRAE TC 9.9 Technical Bulletin on Edge Computing. This information will be included in the Annex on Micro Edge Data Centers.

  • 微边缘数据中心环境管理的新建议将与ASHRAE      TC 9.9保持一致。

  • New recommendations for management of micro edge      data center environments will harmonize with ASHRAE TC 9.9.


Informative and normative annexes


  • 涉及与其他工程师协调设备计划的附件已从信息性转变为规范性。

  • The annex addressing the coordination of equipment plans with other engineers has been converted from informative to normative.

  • 关于数据中心空间考虑因素的附件也已从信息性转变为规范性。

  • The annex on data center space considerations also has been converted from informative to normative.

  • 关于数据中心选址和建筑设计考虑因素的附件已从信息性转变为规范性。

  • The annex on data center site selection and building design considerations has been converted from informative to normative.

  • 关于数据中心基础设施评级的附件已从信息性转变为规范性(尽管可以使用任何数据中心评级系统)。

  • The annex on data center infrastructure rating has been converted from informative to normative (although any data center rating system may be used).

  • 对附件D中的数据中心评级表进行了多次更新,使其在使用      TIA-942 评级系统时成为规范。这些更新也是为了反映数据中心技术的当前状态。

  • Multiple updates have been made to data center      rating tables in Annex D to make them normative if the TIA-942 rating      system is used. These updates also were made to reflect the current state      of data center technology.

  • 关于边缘数据中心类型的附件从信息性转变为规范性(尽管可以使用任何边缘数据中心分类系统)。

  • The annex on edge data center types was converted from informative to normative (although any edge data center classification system may be used).

  • 新的信息附件解决了浸没式冷却的注意事项。

  • A new informative annex addresses immersion cooling considerations.

  • 对附件F中的微边缘数据中心类型表进行了多次更新,使其在使用TIA-942分类系统时成为规范,并反映数据中心技术的当前状态。

  • Multiple updates were made to micro edge data center type tables in Annex F, to make them normative if the TIA-942 classification system is used, and to reflect the current state of data center technology.

  • 在文件中,附件已重新排序,因此规范性附件出现在信息性附件之前。

  • Within the document, annexes have been reordered so normative annexes appear before informative annexes.


虽然TIA-942-C数据中心电信基础设施标准已获授权发布,但尚未发布。发布后,即可 通过Accuris或TIA的 标准订阅服务购买。
While the TIA-942-C Data Center Telecommunications Infrastructure Standard has been authorized for publication, it is not yet published. Once published, it will be available for purchase through Accuris, or through the TIA’s standard subscription service.


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