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Breaking the Ceiling: Exploring the limitations of immersion cooling



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As someone deeply immersed in the world of cooling technologies for data centers, I often find myself in conversations about the potential and limitations of immersion cooling. The very idea of submerging expensive and intricate electronic components in liquid to keep them cool sounds more like science fiction than a viable solution. But it is real and already making a splash. However, when I talk to industry colleagues and clients, a recurring theme I encounter is the perceived “ceiling” of immersion cooling. There's a notion that while it may be innovative, its capacities are limited and might not keep up with the ever-growing demands of modern computing.



What if I suggested we’ve only just scratched the surface? It might surprise some, but it is more than possible that true innovation in immersion cooling has barely begun. In this article, I want to take you on a journey through the present landscape of immersion cooling, and more importantly, gaze into the crystal ball to understand the untapped potential waiting to be unlocked. We will explore why this industry needs to embrace innovation in immersion just as we witnessed in air cooling. I invite you to take a deep dive with me into what might just be the next big wave in data center cooling technologies.


The ceiling of immersion cooling


As an advocate and a keen observer of immersion cooling, I’m fascinated by the sheer capability and resilience this technology has displayed so far. The methods being used predominantly at present are quite rudimentary in nature. Essentially, fluids are circulated around the electronics, and the process doesn't pay particular attention to the path these fluids take. The remarkable thing is, despite the seeming simplicity, this approach has proven itself capable of handling almost anything that current IT equipment can challenge it with thermally.



However, as I engage with various stakeholders, I am often confronted with the question of the perceived “ceiling” of immersion cooling. Many wonder if there’s a limit to what it can handle, especially with the rapidly increasing power densities in modern electronics. I see the curiosity behind these questions, and it reminds me of the real essence of innovation in this space. Up till now, immersion cooling has been a tremendous breakthrough, but it hasn’t really had to push any boundaries. This is by itself a testament to its potential.





The current methods, while effective for current demands, often lack the finesse and precision that might be necessary as we move into an era of even higher thermal loads. This ‘ceiling’ that many talk about is in fact not so much a limitation of immersion cooling as a technology, but rather a reflection of the fact that we haven’t yet scratched the surface of what’s possible.


A Look Back: The Air Cooling Evolution



It's instructive to take a look back at the evolution of air cooling. This serves as a context for understanding how technologies can, and do, evolve when pushed by the demands of advancing hardware.



A few years ago, the general consensus was that air cooling would not be able to handle anything beyond 120W. It was thought to be the ceiling. But then, something remarkable happened. As CPU and GPU technology accelerated and placed greater demands on cooling systems, the industry found ways to innovate. Air cooling solutions became more efficient, with better airflow designs, heat sinks, and more effective fans. Also within the facilities, aisle separation and in-row coolers have become standard practice within only a few years time.



This continuous innovation was, in essence, the industry's response to ensuring that air cooling solutions stayed relevant as the thermal requirements increased. However, air cooling is approaching its limits, and the innovation curve is showing signs of plateauing as the innovations have reached the margins of what is possible. This plateau is not due to a lack of innovation but relates to the inherent limitations of air as a medium for cooling.



Interestingly, while air cooling was busy evolving, liquid cooling was silently maturing alongside. It is showing signs of high maturity, and we are witnessing a trend where manufacturers, operators and end users are increasingly adopting liquid cooling solutions.



What this historical perspective tells us is that there is always room for innovation until the fundamental limits of the medium are reached. It serves as an inspiration and a lesson for the immersion cooling industry as it stares at the immense possibilities and challenges ahead.


The Science Behind It




So what are the limits of liquids? Immersion cooling primarily relies on the thermal properties of the cooling fluid, typically a dielectric liquid, to absorb and dissipate heat. The efficiency of heat transfer in immersion cooling is governed by the specific heat capacity and thermal conductivity of the fluid, as well as the convective heat transfer coefficient.



Dielectric liquids used for immersion cooling have a much higher specific heat capacity than air, meaning they can absorb more heat energy for a given temperature increase. Additionally, their thermal conductivity is higher than that of air, allowing them to transport heat away from components more efficiently.



Let’s delve into the numbers that showcase the potential. The heat dissipation capabilities of liquids are commonly referred to be roughly 1,000 times more effective than air, which opens a window to enormous possibilities. Now consider a hypothetical scenario to illustrate the magnitude of potential. There are scientific explorations that have suggested enormously high theoretical limits for liquid cooling, such as the removal rates of over 1 kW per square centimeter under optimal conditions. While this number represents a theoretical idealized scenario, it serves as an inspiring point on the horizon. It shows what might be achievable if we were to maximize the full scientific potential of liquid cooling. This is far beyond the 2 kW figures for chips that we’re starting to see with large form factor high-density chips.



This doesn’t mean we’ll reach such cooling capacities tomorrow, but it highlights the potential. What would such innovations look like? Time will tell, but one thing is certain, the "ceiling" for immersion cooling is not a fixed mark but rather a moving target that can be pushed higher with ongoing innovation in fluids, materials, and system design.


The Untapped Innovation Potential of Immersion Cooling



In the case of immersion cooling, this kind of innovation has scarcely begun. Despite being a game-changing solution in the thermal management landscape, immersion cooling has primarily relied on a simplified approach. By simply circulating fluids, and not being overly concerned about the exact paths they take, immersion cooling has effectively kept pace with almost everything the current IT hardware can throw at it. However, as hardware continues to advance, this approach will need to evolve.



Imagine what could be achieved if the immersion cooling industry applied the same spirit of innovation that drove air cooling to new heights. The first area ripe for innovation is the optimization of IT systems specifically for immersion cooling. This involves developing new components, form factors, and circuit layouts that are inherently designed to maximize the efficiency of immersion cooling, rather than retrofitting air-cooling designs.



The second area that beckons the inventive spirit is precision cooling. Currently, the circulation of cooling fluids in immersion cooling systems is largely a blunt instrument. What if, instead, we could direct cooling precisely where it’s needed most within a system? Developing intelligent, responsive cooling systems that can pinpoint and address hotspots in real-time could exponentially increase the cooling capacity and efficiency of immersion systems.




As we look to the future, with chip densities on the rise and power levels expected to reach 2 kW and beyond, it should be expected that immersion cooling not only keeps pace with constant innovation, but also leads the way. This will require embracing a culture of innovation that goes beyond the casual blind circulation to a more elegant, efficient, and effective approach. The real innovation curve of immersion cooling is just about to begin, and it’s exciting to think about what this could mean for the data center industry as a whole.
















Embracing the Evolution: The Next Steps for the Immersion Cooling Industry



As we stand on the cusp of this exciting new era in immersion cooling, it is imperative for the industry to take deliberate steps to embrace and drive this evolution. Here’s what I believe should be our focus:



Collaboration and Community Building: The challenges ahead are complex and will require the collective effort of the entire ecosystem. Manufacturers, data center operators, academics, and technology innovators need to come together, share knowledge, and work collaboratively to solve common challenges.



Investment in Research and Development: The development of optimized components and intelligent cooling systems requires significant investment in research and development. The industry must recognize the long-term value of these investments and allocate resources accordingly.



Standards and Best Practices: As immersion cooling technologies evolve, it’s important to develop standards and best practices that ensure consistency, reliability, and safety. Industry associations and regulatory bodies have a key role to play in this regard.



Education and Advocacy: There’s still a significant knowledge gap and skepticism when it comes to immersion cooling. It is essential to educate stakeholders, from C-suite executives to technicians, on the benefits and potential of immersion cooling. Advocacy efforts should also aim at influencing policy and regulatory changes that favor sustainable cooling solutions.



Customer-Centric Innovation: Understanding the unique requirements and constraints of data center customers is key. Immersion cooling solutions should be developed with customer needs in mind, ensuring that they address real-world challenges and create tangible value.



Sustainability Focus: With global data usage continuing to soar, it is essential that the evolution of immersion cooling technologies maintains a strong focus on sustainability, reducing energy consumption and environmental impact.



By focusing on these key areas, the immersion cooling industry can not only keep up with the evolving demands of IT hardware but lead the way in defining the future of data center cooling. The journey ahead is bound to be challenging, but with a collective commitment to innovation, collaboration, and sustainability, we have the opportunity to revolutionize the data center landscape for years to come.



At this juncture, it’s important to recognize the vital role played by the Open Compute Project Foundation (#ocp ) in these areas of focus. As an initiative that is committed to redesigning hardware technology for efficiency, OCP serves as a catalyst for the kind of collaboration and innovation that the immersion cooling industry needs. With its emphasis on open sharing of designs and best practices, OCP is instrumental in setting standards, fostering community, and driving sustainability in data center solutions. As someone who is leading the immersion project within OCP, I am acutely aware of the potential this collaboration holds for advancing immersion cooling technologies. Through our collective efforts within OCP, we are breaking new ground in creating efficient, scalable, and sustainable solutions for the data center industry.



Looking Ahead with Anticipation



The world of data centers is at a turning point. As we are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in terms of computational power and chip density, the cooling solutions that have served us for decades are reaching their limits. This, my friends, is where immersion cooling comes in as not just an alternative but a necessity for the future. Moreover, the global benefits that can emerge from improved efficiency and sustainability in data center cooling are immense, ranging from reduced carbon footprints to enabling more powerful computing within the same energy constraints.



But it’s not just about embracing immersion cooling - it’s about embracing innovation within immersion cooling. I want to leave you with the thought that the evolution we’re about to witness in immersion cooling is akin to what many great paradigm shifts we have undergone in society throughout history. As we did with air cooling, electric cars, even breaking away from the horse and carriage, let’s break those perceived ceilings, innovate, and shape immersion cooling into the formidable force it has the potential to be. We're in the first act of a thrilling saga, and much like the enthusiastic audience with popcorn in hand, I am on the edge of my seat, eager to see how this evolves.



The industry needs forward-thinkers, problem solvers, and passionate individuals to dive into the depths of this technology and bring forth innovations that will drive us into the next chapter of data center cooling. As the pressures mount and the heat intensifies, let’s immerse ourselves, quite literally, in solutions that are sustainable, efficient, and powerful.



The curtain rises, the stage is set - let's make this a performance for the ages!





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