液冷VS风冷 | 风冷永不退场



Air cooling will never go away


Peter Judge


译 者 说









We need liquid cooling, but it won’t replace air



Liquid cooling is supposed to be driving a revolution in heat management within data centers. The old way, air cooling, is on the way out, we are told. It must go, to make way for a world where servers are cooled with water, dielectrics, and other fluids. In real life, revolutions are rarely so neat and tidy.



There is no doubt that the densities of servers in racks are reaching the point where some of them can no longer be cooled efficiently with air. And liquid cooling has a vast set of benefits, including increased efficiency, improved exclusion of dust and dirt, and quieter operation - and it delivers waste heat in a form where it can be used elsewhere.



But still, air cooling vendors have a backlog of orders that show no sign of diminishing, and new data centers are still being designed around chillers, HVACs, and other air-cooled equipment.



How do we explain this? And how will today’s air cooled environments coexist with tomorrow’s liquid cooled systems?


Palette of cooling


“开放计算项目”的液体冷却的负责人,冷却专家顾问Rolf  Brink说:“空气冷却将会被液体冷却所取代的说法有两点是错误的。空气冷却永远不会消失。服务器都是被空气冷却的说法也不正确。这并不是一场哪种技术最终会胜出的较量。”

The story that air will give way to liquid cooling is wrong on two counts, says specialist cooling consultant Rolf Brink, the Open Compute Project lead for liquid cooling: “Air cooling will never disappear. And it is also incorrect to say they've always been air cooled. It's not a battle about which technology will be left at the end of the road.



“You have to look at the IT equipment and see what it needs,” says Brink. “IT equipment has various requirements for cooling, and this is where the palette of cooling technologies that you should be considering is greatly enriched these days.



“Cold-plate is becoming mainstream this year or next,” says Brink. “Immersion is going to take a few more years before it becomes mainstream. But not all IT equipment is suitable for immersion or cold plate or air cooling alone.



“That is the big paradigm shift,” he says. “We're going to see more hybrid environments where the underlying infrastructure and facilities can cater to both air and liquid cooling. And that is what the industry needs to get prepared for.”


“我们正处在这个过渡阶段,既看到了空气冷却需求的增长,也看到了许多新兴的液体冷却需求的出现”Stuart Lawrence,Stream Data Centers的产品研发和更新副总说,“因此我们发现可配置性是目前最重要的事情。”

“We're in this transition phase, where we see both extended demand for air cooling, and a lot of newer liquid cooling requirements coming in,” says Stuart Lawrence, VP of product innovation and sustainability at Stream Data Centers. “So we find configurability is the most important thing right now.”



As a data center operator, Lawrence has to deal with what his customers - mostly large players taking a whole building at a time - are ready for: “We're seeing some customers playing around with some liquid cooling direct to chip, either single phase fluids, or phase changing fluids or cold plates. We aren't seeing a lot of immersion “
















The air perspective


空调供应商承认确实需要进行改变。江森自控暖通空调产品业务发展全球总监Mukul Anand说“某种程度上,空气冷却确实有其局限性。”

Air-conditioning vendors admit that things must change. “At some point, air cooling has its limitations,” says Mukul Anand, global director of business development for applied HVAC products at Johnson Controls.



“There's only so much amount of heat you can remove using air.” As he explains, it takes a lot of air to cool a high-energy chip: “The velocity of air becomes very high, noise in the white space becomes a challenge and the server fan power consumption increases - which does not show itself in the PUE calculation.” He sees direct-to-chip, immersion, and twophase cooling growing, and notes that air-cooled systems often have a water circuit, as well as using water in evaporative systems. Data centers are trying to minimize water consumption while switching off compressors when possible, and water cooling inside the white space can make their job easier.


“我们已经看到了市政当局和民间团体在用水冷却数据中心方面明显的转变”Anand 说,“一种从直接蒸发冷却技术转向空气冷却(风冷)冷水机组、水冷冷水机组和干冷却器的转变。”随着液体进入空间,他说“我们必须确保我们已经完全了解了所使用的的液体(水、乙二醇等),同时确保我们在液体冷却服务器技术上达成一致,并尽可能经济化使用。”

“We've seen a distinct shift of municipalities and communities away from using water for data center cooling,” says Anand. “A shift from direct evaporative cooling technologies towards either air cooled chillers or water cooled chillers and dry coolers.” As liquid cooling comes inside the white space, he says: “We have to make sure we completely understand the fluids that will be used (water, glycol, etc.) and make sure that we converge on an agreed liquid cooled server technology, and use economization as much as possible,” he says.



“One of the direct consequences is to use the chilled fluid temperature as high as the IT equipment will allow. 30°C (86°F) is being looked at as a median number. That is certainly higher than the chilled water fluid used in data center air cooling systems today.” Air cooling systems will have to adapt, he says: “We must launch and use products that are as comfortable and efficient providing chilled fluid at 30°C.”



With that temperature in their cooling systems, data centers can spend more time on free cooling using outside air. “That allows for a whole lot of hours in the free cooling method where the compressors do not consume any significant amount of power. In places like Loudoun County, Virginia, and in Silicon Valley, we're using as much economization as possible.”



In this world, 10 percent of the racks in a data center can move to liquid. “You have a cooling architecture that can cool 90 percent air cooled servers, and gradually convert this data center to more and more liquid cooled.”


许多液体冷却方案(比如ASHRAE定义的)在最理想的情况下很少启动冷水机组和机械制冷,冷水机组和机械制冷仅作为应急情况下得备用系统。Anand 说“冷水机组和机械制冷主要为那些炎热的下午准备的。在没有电力供应的时候,你必须要有发电机。一年中不能使用自然冷却的少数时间内,你就需要冷水机组来完成这部分冷却工作。”

In a best-case scenario, many of the liquid cooling scenarios defined by ASHRAE rarely need chillers and mechanical cooling, and those chillers will become a backup system for emergencies, says Anand: “It is for those warm afternoons. You must have a generator for the times when you don't have power. You must have chillers for the few hours in a year that that you cannot get economization to do the cooling job for you.”



Those chillers could still be challenged, he says, because as well as running denser white space, “owners and operators are leaning towards multi-story data centers.” These chillers will need to be built with a greater concern for the carbon embodied, both physically and in their supply chain: “If you're using less metal and lighter pieces of equipment, the carbon generated through the fabrication and shipping processes is lower.” Chillers are placed on the roof of the building, and this means they are packed together tighter, causing a “heat island” problem: “When condensing units or chillers with condensers are spread far apart on a roof, one is not influenced by the other.



When you have 32 or 64 chillers close together on a rooftop space, the discharge air from one goes into the condenser of the next one, adversely impacting its efficiency and capacity.”




Extending air cooling



Back inside the white space, Lawrence sees a lot of liquid cooling implementations as simply extending the air cooling provided in the building: “It's direct liquid to chip, but the liquid goes to a rear door heat exchanger or a sidecar heat exchanger.”


像Iceotope公司生产的精密空调,其液体可以输配至需要冷却的特定部件,该类型精密空调所服务的服务器仍然安装在常规的机柜内。此类精密空调是直接芯片冷却或板冷与GRC公司和 Asperitas 公司在销售的浸没液冷设备的一种中间技术。

注:Green Revolution Cooling (GRC): GRC致力于提供高效的数据中心液冷解决方案。他们的技术通常涉及将服务器浸泡在非导电液体中,以有效地冷却硬件并提高数据中心的能效。

Asperitas B.V.: Asperitas专注于开发创新的液冷技术,以提高数据中心的能效。他们的液体冷却技术,可以在数据中心中实现更高效的散热。

Precision cooling from companies like Iceotope, where servers remain in regular racks, and liquid gets to the specific parts which need cooling are a mid-point between direct-to-chip or cold plate, and the more extreme idea of total immersion in tanks sold by the likes of GRC and Asperitas.


直接芯片冷却和精密液体冷却设备均可以安装在空气冷却的环境内, Lawrence 说“它们通过在空气冷却的数据中心内采用空气与液体的换热系统来散热。”

Direct-to-chip and precision liquid cooling products can be installed in an air cooled environment, says Lawrence: “They reject heat by means of an air-to-liquid heat exchange system within an air cooled data center.”


这可能会让液体冷却变革达不到预期,但这是有原因的,Lawrence 说“直接液体冷却的很多配套设施并不成熟。”

That may be disappointing to liquid cooling revolutionaries, but there’s a reason, says Lawrence: “Most colocation facilities aren't really ready to go direct liquid.”



He sees liquid cooling as additive, where it is required: “I think we will get this extension of air cooling where they will take 10kW racks and make four rack positions into 40kW racks.” Those high-density racks have an extra heat exchanger or “sidecar.”


“过去十年中,我部署的大部分产品采用空气冷却,其内有液体冷却盘管,”IBM可持续发展和数据中心创新领域负责人Dustin Demetriou 说“2016年的时候,我们在一家金融服务公司做这样的部署工作,因为他们基本上都采用直膨式冷却系统,没有冷冻水,但是他们又需要高功率的机柜。”

“In the last 10 years, the majority of the products that I've deployed are air cooled with an internal liquid cooling loop,” says Dustin Demetriou, IBM Systems leader for sustainability and data center innovation.“As far back as 2016 we were doing this in a financial services company because they had basically DX chiller systems with no chilled water, but they needed a high power rack.”


“直接芯片冷却最大的优势就是使用与空气冷却服务器相同的IT架构和同样的机柜尺寸,”Anand 说,“冷却分配单元可以布置在白空间内,有时也可以布置在机柜内。使用这项技术,可以相对快速地将至少一部分数据中心改造为高负载机房。”

“The great part about direct-to chip liquid cooling is that it uses the same IT architecture and the same rack form factor as air-cooled servers,” says Anand. “The cooling distribution units can be in the white space, or sometimes in the rack themselves. Using this technology, transitioning at least a portion of the data center for the intense compute load can be done relatively quickly.


Anand 说“当采用浸没式冷却箱时,可能会出现一些分歧。将浸没式冷却箱的热量排到空气冷却系统时需要开启压缩机,或者对浸没式冷却系统进行改造。”

When things move to immersion cooling tanks, there may be a division. Expelling the heat from an immersion tank into an air-cooled system might require the compressors to be turned on, or changes to the immersion system, says Anand.



He explains: “The power that's consumed by the servers in the immersion tub gets converted to heat and that heat has to be removed. In a bath, we can probably remove that heat using warmer temperature fluid.And the lower temperatures that mandate the operation of a compressor are probably not needed.”



Losing the benefit



There’s one obvious downside to this hybrid approach. One of the most vaunted benefits of liquid cooling is the provision of waste heat in the concentrated form of highertemperature water.



If the heat gets rejected to the air-cooling system, then it is lost, just as before. Running the liquid bath at this lower temperature removes the benefit of useful waste heat. It’s like a re-run of the bad practice of overcooled air-conditioned data centers.


“从可持续的角度来看,令人遗憾的是温度没有提升。”Lawrence 说“利用这种空气扩展技术,我们并没有真正得到液体冷却的可持续性的好处。”Demetriou  指出仍然存在持续的好处“如果从每瓦的性能来看,一个搭载5GHz芯片的服务器,如果完全采用空气冷却,可能只能发挥一半的性能。因此,采用液体冷却只需要更少的服务器就可以完成工作。虽然没有得到液体冷却的全部好处,但是我认为还是得到了很多好处。”

“The sad part about it from a sustainability perspective is you are not raising any temperatures,” says Lawrence. “So we're not we're not getting the real sustainability benefits out of liquid cooling by utilizing this air extension technology.” Demetriou points out that there are still sustainability benefits: “If you look at it in terms of performance per watt, a product with 5GHz chips, if it was strictly air cooled, would have probably given half the performance. So you would need fewer servers to do the work. You're not getting all of the benefits of liquid but I think you're getting a lot.”


Demetriou 也是ASHRAE 9.9技术委员会的成员,该委员会是冷却指南和标准的主要制定者。“这个领域我们研究了很久,因为这既不是完全液体冷却也不是完全空气冷却。还有很多中间过程。”

Demetriou also sits on the ASHRAE 9.9 technical committee, a key developer of cooling guidelines and standards: “This is an area we spend a lot of time on, because it's not all liquid or all air. There are intermediate steps.”




Lawrence 说,全液冷却数据中心让人感到复杂的另一个原因就是“输配”,即把足够的电力输送到机柜。

Another reason that all-liquid data centers are complex to imagine is the issue of “funneling,” getting enough power into the racks, says Lawrence.



“If I take a 40MW, 400,000 sq ft data center, made up of 25,000 sq ft data halls, I can get all my electrical lineups to deliver 2.6MW to each data hall. If I start doubling the density to make that 400,000 sq ft data center 200,000 sq ft or 100,000 sq ft, then I have a really big challenge.



“I have to make that building really long and thin to actually get all the electrical lineups to funnel correctly. If I make it small and square I end up having really big problems getting the actual electrical power into the space. The funneling becomes too much of a challenge.



“Not a lot of people are talking about that right now, but I think it's going to be a pretty big problem. The challenge with liquid cooling is to design the facility in such a way that you don't run into funneling issues to get the power into the space.” Placing small quantities of high density racks within an air-cooled facility actually avoids this problem, he says: “If you're working with an air cooled space, you've got a lot of space to route your power around.



When you make the building appropriately sized for liquid cooling, you run into all sorts of electrical funneling issues that you hadn't had to even think about before.”


Equipment lifecycles



One major reason why air-cooled systems will remain is because are very rugged and enduring pieces of equipment. A chiller system placed on the roof of a data center is expected to last for 20 to 25 years, a period that could see four different generations of chip hardware, all with different cooling needs.


江森的Anand 说:”如果HVAC架构设计为向液体冷却服务器供冷,则在数据中心生命周期内我们不必改变冷却架构。“

Johnson’s Anand says this is possible: “If your HVAC architecture is designed to provide cooling required by liquid cooled servers, we will not have to change the cooling architecture through the life of the data center.



“The time period from when a data center is designed in one part of the world to when it is built and brought online in another part of the world might be several years,” he says.



“We do not want to wait for liquid cooling technology to be adopted all across the world for the next architectural design of the building to materialize it in construction.”


不只是设备,还有建筑,Lawrence 说:“超大规模用户签订15到20年的租约,而我们看到IT设备每4到5年就会更新。而这让我感到困惑。如果你今天签订一份租约,租约期限内将会经历3次IT的更新。你上架的IT设备在这15年期间要么将一直是空气冷却,要么你的机柜或自然空间有其他形式的液体-空气冷却系统。”

It’s not just the equipment, it’s the building, says Lawrence: “Hyperscalers are signing leases for 15 and 20 years, and we are seeing IT refreshes in the four to five year range. That boggles my mind. If you're signing a lease today, it’s going to last three IT refreshes. That IT equipment that you're putting in is either going to be air cooled for that 15 year period, or you're going to have some form of liquid-to-air system in the rack or in the the white space.”



Server makers like Dell and HP are producing liquid cooled versions of their hardware, and are predicting that in 10 years' time data centers will be 50 percent liquid cooled. Not every application has such high demands for cooling, and this means that half the servers can still be air cooled.


由于这种分歧的存在,情况也会变得复杂。如果业主提供的全部是空气冷却,而客户需要增加液体冷却,Lawrence 解释道:“如果你将液体直接输送到机柜的CDU(冷量分配单元)或列间液体冷却设备,情况将会变得复杂。”

It can also get complicated because of demarcation. If the building owner provides overall cooling with air, and tenants want to add liquid cooling, Lawrence explains: “It gets complicated if you bring liquid straight to a CDU (cooling distribution unit) on rack or an in-row liquid cooler.”


Forcing the issue


Rolf Brink认为可能需要教育或者监管来推动数据中心更快地实现液体冷却:“新设施还没有针对未来的生态进行设计,这样的情况仍然比较普遍。这是行业的核心问题之一。这正是监管发挥作用的地方,要求至少要在空间中为液体冷却基础设施做好准备。”

Rolf Brink thinks that it may take education, and even regulation, to push data center designs more quickly to liquid: “It still happens too often that new facilities are not yet designed for the future ecosystem. This is one of the core problems in the industry.And this is where regulation can really be beneficial - to require facilities to at least be prepared for liquid infrastructures in the white space.”


Brink 说:“一旦数据中心建成并运行,将不会对自然空间进行重建。在运行状态下,并不会将水管安装进空间。这是不可能的。”

Brink says: “As soon as the data center is built and becomes operational, you're never going to rebuild the whitespace. You are not going to put water pipes into the whitespace in an operational environment. It is just impossible.”



Because liquid is not included in the design phase, this creates “resistance” from the industry to adding it later, he says: “People have neglected to make the make the necessary investments to make sure that they are future-proofed.”



This may be due to the way that facilities are financed and refinanced at various times during the build phase, he says, “or it may be lack of ambition or not believing in the evolution of liquid cooling.”


Brink 说:“问题是液体冷却的生态环境使其变得更加难以可持续。数据中心不会只为了以防万一冒险多花一点钱,。”

The problem is that it's creating an environment in which it's still going to be very difficult to become more sustainable.Data centers won’t take a risk and spend a bit more “just in case,” says Brink.



注:OCP是"Open Compute Project"(开放计算项目)的缩写。它是一个开源硬件设计项目,旨在共享数据中心和服务器领域的创新和最佳实践。OCP的目标是通过开发开放标准和设计,提高数据中心硬件的效能和灵活性。该项目由一些大型科技公司共同发起,包括Facebook、Microsoft、Intel等。

Some of this can be changed by education. ASHRAE has brought out papers describing different stages of using liquid cooling (see Box), and OCP has also done educational work, but in the end he says “legislation can really make a significant difference in the industry by requiring the preparation for liquid.”



At this stage, there’s no prospect of a law to require new data centers to include pipes in the white space, although the German Energy Efficiency Act does attempt to encourage more waste heat reuse.



Early in its development, the Act tried to mandate that 30 percent of the heat from new data centers should be reused elsewhere. This was pushed back, because Germany doesn’t have sufficient district heating systems in the right place to make use of that heat.



But the requirement to at least consider waste heat reuse could mean that more data centers in Germany are built with heat outlets, and it is a logical step to connect those up with more efficient heat collection systems inside the white space.



Across Europe, the Energy Efficiency Directive will require data centers to report data on their energy consumption and efficiency in 2024, and the European Union will consider what efficiency measures are reasonable to impose in 2025.



Whatever intervention is imposed could have a big impact on the hand-over between air and liquid cooling. 


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