年度趋势 | 2024 年十大战略技术趋势


Gartner 预测 2024 年十大战略技术趋势

Gartner Predicts Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2024



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2023年ChatGPT 的横空出世,带我们从互联网时代走进智能时代。在已经成为现在时的2024 ,AIGC 又会带来什么机遇,风险与挑战?让我们一同进入Gartner预测的2024十大战略进步,迎接AIGC所带来的世代变革!“Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.” 




Gartner sees these 10 tech trends driving significant disruption and opportunity for CIOs and IT leaders over the next 36 months.



Gartner on Oct. 16 announced its list of the top 10 strategic technology trends for 2024 at its Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo in Orlando, Florida.



Not surprisingly, AI and automation are behind a number of these trends, which Gartner sees driving significant disruption and opportunity for IT leaders over the next 36 months.


Gartner的副总裁分析师Bart Willemsen指出,这些趋势对于2024年的战略意义在于它们在应对技术颠覆和社会经济不确定性方面至关重要。他进一步补充道,在这个不确定时期,IT领导者在战略性地利用技术投资从而确保业务成功方面发挥着至关重要的作用。

What makes these trends strategic for 2024 is that they are essential in addressing technological disruptions and socioeconomic uncertainties, according to Bart Willemsen, VP analyst at Gartner, adding that IT leaders play a critical role in strategically leveraging technology investments to ensure business success during these uncertain times.


Gartner的卓越副总裁分析师兼首席研究员Chris Howard认为,由于技术创新的快速发展,评估这些趋势的影响和好处是极具挑战性的。他在一份声明中指出:“例如,生成式和其他类型的人工智能提供了新的机遇并推动了多个趋势的发展。然而,在使用AI技术持续提取商业价值的过程中,需要有纪律地广泛采用多种技术,并且要注意风险。”

Evaluating the impacts and benefits of these trends is challenging due to the rapid pace of technological innovation, said Chris Howard, distinguished VP Analyst and chief of research at Gartner. "For example, generative and other types of AI offer new opportunities and drive several trends. But deriving business value from the durable use of AI requires a disciplined approach to widespread adoption along with attention to the risks," Howard said in a statement.


所有这10种趋势都是基于其相关性、影响力、可操作性和组织效益而被选中的,Willemsen告诉ITPro Today。他说:“虽然生成式人工智能的民主化是一种引起重大变化和机遇的趋势,但同时也在一定程度上推动了其他趋势。广泛的可访问性促进了大规模的技术颠覆。” 他还说:“然而,在使用所有人工智能时,本质上都伴随着特定的风险,为了持续享受人工智能所带来的好处,AI信任、风险和安全管理(TRiSM)是不可或缺的,以确保增加价值并保持积极的影响。”

All 10 trends were selected for their relevance, impact, actionability, and organizational benefits, Willemsen told ITPro Today. "Democratized generative AI is nonetheless one that causes major changes and opportunities today and drives several other trends in part as well. The widespread accessibility facilitates disruption at scale," he said. "Yet, all AI usage inherently comes with specific risks, and to sustain the perceived benefits, AI Trust, Risk and Security Management [TRiSM] is invaluable to make the value increase and positive impact stick."

















Here are Gartner's top 10 strategic technology trends for 2024:


1. 民主化的生成式人工智能
1. Democratized Generative AI



It's no surprise that generative AI – let alone democratized GenAI – made the list of tech trends to watch for 2024. Consider this Gartner prediction: By 2026, more than 80% of organizations will be using generative AI APIs and models and/or GenAI-enabled applications in production environments, a jump from less than 5% early 2023.



The reason for this jump is threefold, according to Gartner:


  • 通过GenAI应用程序,用户将可以获取海量信息。

  • Thanks to GenAI applications, users will gain access to vast amounts of information.

  • GenAI的采用将显著推动知识和技能的普及化。

  • GenAI adoption will significantly democratize knowledge and skills.

  • 大语言模型(LLMs)将会赋能企业,通过对话的方式将员工与知识进行连接。

  • Large language models (LLMs) will enable enterprises to connect their workers with knowledge in a conversational style.


2. AI信任、风险和安全管理
2. AI Trust, Risk, and Security Management



Hower, there are downsides to the democratization of AI access that could outweigh the benefits, so will also be an urgent need for AI Trust, Risk and Security Management (TRiSM) in 2024.



Gartner预测, 到2026年,通过实施AI 信任、风险和安全管理(AI TRiSM)控制措施,企业将可以消除高达80%的非法信息,进而显著提高运营决策的准确性。

Gartner forecasts that by 2026, enterprises implementing AI TRiSM controls will significantly enhance decision-making accuracy by eliminating up to 80% of illegitimate information.


3. AI增强开发
3. AI-Augmented Development



AI-augmented development is the use of AI technologies to help software engineers design, code, and test applications. AI-assisted software development tools improve developer productivity, freeing them up to spend more time creating impactful business applications.


4. 智能应用
4. Intelligent Applications



An intelligent application, as the name implies, has as a capability intelligence – which Gartner defines as "learned adaptation to respond appropriately and autonomously." Intelligent applications use various AI-based services to better augment or automate work and deliver experiences that dynamically adapt to the individual user.


5. 增强连接的员工团队
5. Augmented-Connected Workforce



The 2023 Gartner CEO and Senior Business Executive Survey found that 26% of CEOs believe the most damaging risk for their organization is the talent shortage, and so attracting and retaining talent is their top workforce priority. Another tactic is to get more out of their current staff without overtaxing them. To maximize the value of their employees, more organizations will implement the augmented-connected workforce (ACWF) strategy.



ACWF leverages intelligent applications (see trend No. 4) and workforce analytics to offer context and guidance, enhancing the workforce's well-being, skill development, and overall experience. According to Gartner, through 2027, one-quarter of CIOs will use ACWF initiatives to reduce time to competency by 50% for key roles.


6. 持续威胁暴露管理
6. Continuous Threat Exposure Management



Continuous threat exposure management (CTEM) is a systemic approach for organizations to continually and consistently evaluate the accessibility, exposure, and exploitability of their digital and physical assets. Instead of focusing on infrastructure, CTEM aligns assessments and remediation efforts with threat vectors or business projects, uncovering vulnerabilities and even unpatchable threats. Gartner predicts that by 2026, organizations that prioritize their security investments based on a CTEM program will realize a two-thirds reduction in breaches.


7. 机器客户
7. Machine Customers



Gartner defines a machine customer (also called a "custobot") as "as a nonhuman economic actor that obtains goods or services in exchange for payment." By 2028, there will be around 15 billion connected products with the potential to act as customers, eventually becoming more significant than the arrival of digital commerce.



"Machine customers will most certainly generate trillions in revenue within this decade, with considerable impact on brick-and-mortar storefronts, supply chains, and value creation stories worldwide," Willemsen said.



Organizations should consider strategic opportunities to either support these algorithms and devices or create new custobots, according to Gartner.



8. 可持续技术
8. Sustainable Technology



Sustainable technology encompasses digital solutions aimed at promoting environmental, social, and governance (ESG) objectives, with a focus on long-term ecological balance and human rights. There's a growing emphasis on making IT usage more efficient and sustainable. Because of this concern, Gartner predicts that by 2027, 25% of CIOs will have their personal compensation tied to their impact on sustainable technology.



"Eighty percent of CIOs play a role in supporting their enterprise's sustainability strategy, and Gartner inquiries show that responsibilities increasingly are being cascaded down to infrastructure and operations (I&O) leaders to improve IT's environmental performance, particularly around data centers (including colocation, edge, and cloud)," Willemsen said. "CIOs and I&O leaders have the most opportunity to improve aspects like resource efficiency, innovation/new products, cost reduction, and improved risk mitigation outcomes."



Willemsen added that the compensation link is primarily driven by two forces: the opportunity to improve competitive position and the much more urgent driver of emerging regulation, with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) taking effect in the EU in 2025. "It's expected to get more aggressive and extend to all companies who have even a small amount of business in the EU (in or maybe before 2027), which will have global ramifications," he said.


9. 平台工程
9. Platform Engineering



The primary objective of platform engineering, which involves the creation and maintenance of self-service internal development platforms, is to enhance productivity and user experiences while expediting the delivery of business value.



"Platform engineering is not just a skillset for a single individual in a specific role. Instead, this is a team effort, where there at minimum is room for a clear focus on delivering a specific product – which can be a platform for developers," Willemsen said. "To help users and reduce friction, companies have begun building platforms that sit between the user and the underlying services or platforms on which they rely. A platform team creates and maintains the platforms. Platform engineers build common capabilities into a shared service so users don’t have to build out their own operating environments."


10. 行业云平台
10. Industry Cloud Platforms



Gartner forecasts that by 2027, more than 70% of enterprises will adopt industry cloud platforms (ICPs) to expedite their business projects, a significant increase from the less than 15% this year. ICPs are customizable cloud solutions designed for specific industries and can be further tailored to meet the needs of individual organizations.


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Gartner 认为这 10个技术趋势将在未来36 个月内为CIO 和IT 领导者带来重大颠要和机遇。
